Start with WHY
Now that we’re well into 2018 it may be a good time to check in on how those New Year’s resolutions are going. Statistics tell us of the 45% of people who make them, over 1/3 will have given up within 30 days and by year end only 8% will achieve their goals.
Whether it is losing weight, getting our finances in shape or kicking bad habits, change is hard. We all know WHAT to do and there are endless self-help books and on-line resources on HOW to do what we’d like to accomplish but oddly enough, the missing ingredient that is stressed the least, if ever at all, is the reason WHY we want to accomplish our goal.
According to Richard Leider, founder of Inventure, The Purpose Company, it is important to have goals as they serve as tangible junctures in our journey through life, however PURPOSE is the driving force of your journey; it isn’t what you are aiming for- it is WHY you are aiming at all.
The topic of Purpose is timely for us as we introduce our first Blog. One of the activities I have appreciated as a member of the Ramsburg team over the years is an on going book study spearheaded by our agency owners. The book we started a couple months ago is Start with WHY, based on author Simon Sinek’s video presentation on that has gone viral called, “ The Golden Circle.”
In a nutshell, most people and organizations can explain what they do; some can explain how they are different or better, but few can clearly articulate WHY. Why is not about money or profits - those are end results. According to Sinek, WHY is the thing that inspires us and inspires those around us.
WHY starts with a purpose, a cause or belief that has nothing to do with what you do. In our business, people can buy what we offer from more places than ever before. Yet we will never try to compete on price alone. Our Purpose is to help people feel more secure about the future they are striving for everyday; by understanding their dreams, their goals, their purpose and their reason WHY. We believe this approach helps build long term relationships. I can’t think of a better goal to aspire to.
Will Adamczyk is a Certified Financial Planner certificant with Ramsburg Insurance & Financial Services. He focuses on income and retirement planning and Financial LIFE planning for the baby boomer generation.